Susk Botanical Reserve

The reserve is of national significance, located on the territory of Susk Forestry (Klevan State Forestry).

Total area – 298 hectares.

The reserve protects ancient oak-pine forest with hazel in the undergrowth, typical for Volyn Polissia. Some oaks are about 250 years old. Billberries, lilies of the valley and mountain melicks grow in the forest. There are also areas where plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine are common: garland flowers, lady’s-slipper orchids, Siberian irises, martagon lilies, helleborines and a valuable medicinal plant – yellow foxglove.

You can meet bison in the reserve as they come here from neighboring hunting grounds.

Вовчі ягоди пахучі (Daphne cneorum L.)
Зозулені черевички (Cypripedium calceolus L.)
Лілія лісова (Lilium martagon)
Межі заказника загальнодержавного значення “Суський”; фіолетовим позначені 9,10,11 квартали Суського лісництва ДП “Клеванський лісгосп”.
Перлівка поникла (Melica nutans)
Півники сибірські (Iris sibirica L.)