Oaks of Horodyshche


According to historical sources, people lived on this territory in the Paleolithic era. In the southern part of the village there are the remains of a hillfort and a settlement of Old Rus times, X-XIII centuries.

Written sources mention Horodyshche in 1555, when Prince Ivan Czartoryski won a land dispute with the Radziwill family, and protected his right on this settlement and the surrounding forests.

The old Klevan road passed through Horodyshche and stretched all the way to Lithuania.

The Old Rus hillfort is an archeological site of local significance, its perimeter is about 200 m, and the height is about 4 m. In the times of Soviet occupation, the northern part of the hillfort was destroyed for the construction of roads and houses.

Oaks of Horodyshche

Three mighty oaks have been growing on the remains of the ancient wall of the hillfort for many centuries – the botanical natural monument of local significance “Oaks of Horodyshche”.

The age of oaks is over 600-800 years. Diameter of trunks is 2,1; 1.7; 1.6 m, trees height 30–35 m.

According to a legend, under these oaks there was a Cossack settlement. And 150 meters from the hillfort there was a mound with a Cossack grave, but it was also destroyed in Soviet times.

Городище з позначенням староруського валу. Фрагмент топографічної мапи 1938 року.
Городище та ботанічна пам’ятка природи “Городищенські дуби”_
Городище та ботанічна пам’ятка природи “Городищенські дуби”.
Городище та ботанічна пам’ятка природи “Городищенські дуби”.__
Городище та навколишні населені пункти. Фрагмент топографічної мапи 1926 року.
Городище. Фрагмент мапи 1772 року.