Hillfort of Oderady

An Old Rus settlement of the XI century near the village of Oderady, an archeological site of local significance.

The settlement is of the so-called Volyn-type with partial use of the protective properties of the relief, which have common features of a circle and a square.

Surrounded by a shaft 2.5 meters high and a moat 2 meters deep. Diameter – 40 meters.

There are three entrances through earthen bridges, and there is a second shaft in front of the moat.

According to its functional purpose, it was a settlement-storage.

Such fortifications created one line of defense in the days of Kyivan Rus.
Mounds of the Old Rus period have also been preserved in the village of Oderady.

Вигляд на городище в бік села Дерно.
Одерадівське городище з невеликими лісовим масивом, який належить до Ківерцівського національного природного парку “Цуманська пуща”
Одерадівське городище.
Одерадівське городище. Фрагмент топографічної мапи 1938 р.